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Valentine's Day Sexual Health: A Guide to Intimacy and Well-Being

Valentine's Day Sexual Health: A Guide to Intimacy and Well-Being

Feb 01, 2024 Condoms and Sexual Health


Valentine's Day traditionally celebrates love, romance and connection. As well as remembering the romantic gestures and candlelit dinners (if that’s your thing), it's crucial to prioritise sexual health and well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore various aspects of sexual health, from addressing erectile dysfunction with Eroxon over-the-counter and Cialis Together to ensuring safe sexual relations with condoms and lubricants. 

We'll also help you discover and learn more about the Conceive Plus range, ovulation tests and more for those looking to manage their family planning effectively during this traditionally intimate period.


Erectile Dysfunction Solutions For More Satisfying Intimacy

For many couples, sexual intimacy plays a significant role in their relationship. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a common challenge, affecting individuals of all ages. Fortunately, there are accessible over-the-counter (OTC) solutions that can help, such as Eroxon and Cialis Together. Eroxon is a clinically proven gel that can help you achieve an erection in up to ten minutes while Cialis is a tablet which contains Tadalafil that takes a little longer to work but has long-lasting effects. These medications, available without a prescription, work to enhance blood flow and improve erectile function, contributing to a more satisfying intimate experience.


Condoms and Lubricants For a Safe and Satisfying Valentine’s

Ensuring protection and comfort during intimate moments is essential. Condoms remain one of the most effective methods of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Alongside condoms, the use of lubricants can enhance pleasure and reduce discomfort. We stock a wide range of products catering to various preferences, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all partners. View our sexual health range to choose products that suit your needs.


The Conceive Plus Range

For couples looking to start or expand their family, the Conceive Plus range offers specialised supplement products designed to support conception. This fertility-friendly line includes supplements for ovulation support, capsules for fertility support, at-home male fertility tests and more. If you are hoping to gain an extra-special present as a result of Valentine’s fun and beyond, Simply Meds Online and Conceive Plus offer several ways to help you optimise your health to support you in achieving that goal.


Ovulation Tests for Family Planning

Understanding ovulation is crucial for couples aiming to conceive. Ovulation tests are valuable tools that help identify the most fertile days in a woman's menstrual cycle. The Clearblue digital ovulation tests offer options for detecting four plus fertile days or two fertile days plus. These easy-to-use home tests can help you recognise the best time to conceive. Our Welzo range of home test kits also offers an option for ovulation testing, providing accuracy and convenience when it comes to family planning.


Emergency Contraception For When Things Don’t Go as Planned

While condoms are the most effective method of avoiding unexpected pregnancy (and STIs), sometimes mishaps occur. When this happens emergency contraception can be an option. Here at Simply Meds Online, we can offer the frequently-named “morning-after” pill to reduce the risk of pregnancy occurring. You can find out more about emergency contraception here.


Staying Sexually Safe and Well For Valentine’s Day and Beyond 

This Valentine's Day, prioritise your sexual health and well-being. Explore accessible solutions for erectile dysfunction with Eroxon OTC (over-the-counter) and Cialis Together OTC, and ensure safe and enjoyable experiences with condoms and lubricants. We stock a growing range of treatments and products to help support sexual health and well-being. All prescription and non-prescription items are shipped quickly and discreetly to an address you’ve nominated in your account settings. 

Please see a GP or the sexual health team if you have concerning and/or ongoing sexual health concerns.

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